Greggs Espresso (UK)

Price: £1.75

Ready to try strong, black coffee shots? Because after reading about Greggs Espresso in this article, you will not be able to control yourself to try the one and only, “Espresso”.

A strong coffee made up of a unique blend of mild, high grown and rich tasting Arabica and Robusta beans is the best choice to drink and relax your mind. Each cup of Greggs coffee is freshly ground and served by friendly servants morning, noon and night.

If you don’t order your coffee from the restaurant, you can also make it at home by following our recipe below.

*Note :

This is the average price for this item. The price may vary. It all depends on the location of the restaurant in UK.



  • N/A 

Calories Information

11 kcal

46 kJ

Nutritional Information

Typical values

Per 100ml

Per portion (60ml)



















Greggs Espresso Recipe…

If you want to prepare it at home here is the recipe…

  • When I’m making Greggs espresso, I start by finely grinding my espresso coffee beans.
  • You should always aim for an espresso texture similar to table salt. For one shot of espresso, I use about 7-9 grams of ground coffee.
  • Then I used to turn on my espresso machine and let it heat up for some time.
  • This helps me make sure the water is at the ideal temperature for drinking.
  • Next, I poured the ground coffee into a portafilter and leveled the grounds with a tamper.
  • To ensure a smooth extraction, this step is critical.
  • After all this, you should Lock the portafilter into the machine as I do and start the brewing process.
  • You have to note down that a standard espresso shot takes about 25-30 seconds to extract so you should end up with a rich, dark liquid topped with a layer of crema.
  • Finally, I put the espresso into a large cup and enjoy it.


Espresso is one of the best coffee Brits like to drink to fresh their minds. As a Brit, I also love to order this coffee everyday when I’m at my office. If I’m not able to order it, I make it at home later for myself. If you are interested in Espresso, You can order it from the official website of Greggs.

Other Items


One shot of espresso coffee is roughly 1 oz of fluid coffee.

Its price is £1.75 at Greggs in UK. Normally the prices varies. It depends upon the location of restaurant.

This is the average price for the item. The price may vary. It all depends on the location of the restaurant in UK.

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