Regular White Coffee at Greggs in UK

Price: £1.85

I know a Greggs Coffee, which is perfectly balanced and the best way to start the day.

Can you guess what I’m talking about? Let me tell you, I’m talking about the Regular White coffee, a unique blend of mild, high-grown and rich-tasting Arabica and Robusta beans.

This coffee is personally my favorite because it is made with 100% Fairtrade and I regularly start my beautiful day with it. Sometimes when I am not prepared to order it, then I make it at home because its recipe is quite simple. 

*Note :

This is the average price for this item. The price may vary. It all depends on the location of the restaurant in UK.


  • Ground Coffee
  • Semi-Skimmed Milk
  • Sugar


  • Milk

Calories Information

34 kcal

143 kJ

Nutritional Information

Typical values

Per 100ml

Per portion (285ml)



















Regular White Coffee Recipe…

If you want to prepare it at home here is the recipe…

  • When I am making Regular white-coffee at home, I start by brewing freshly ground coffee using my preferred method. You can use a stovetop espresso maker, an espresso machine, or a strong coffee blend.
  • Then, I put the semi-skimmed milk into a saucepan or microwave-safe container while the coffee is brewing.
  • You should heat it until it is hot, but remove it before boiling.
  • Then I used to put the freshly brewed coffee into a cup and then slowly add the warm milk. You should stir gently to combine. 
  • If you prefer a sweet coffee, you should add sugar or sweetener to taste. If you ask about my choice, I like sweet coffee.
  • Your freshly made white coffee is ready to enjoy.


Are you looking for a drink that makes the morning beautiful? Have you heard about regular-white coffee before? If not, I suggest you try mine and everyone’s favorite coffee. This coffee is one of the most popular items on the Greggs menu because of its great quality and taste. You can also make it at home by following the above recipe.

Other Hot Items


Yes, white coffee is more stronger than regular coffee. Because it contains 5.4% more caffeine.

When milk is added to coffee it is said to be white coffee.

Its price is £1.85 at Greggs in UK. Normally the prices varies. It all depends upon the location of Greggs Branch.

This is the average price for the item. The price may vary. It all depends on the location of the restaurant in UK.

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